Final week of the expedition – capturing melt onset, leaving the sea ice and visiting Svalbard on the way home
I want to start to apologize of not updating my blog the last weeks. I am back home since Friday 16 June, but all the hard work and less sleep on Oden for the last 6 weeks were quite exhausting in the end and I needed some recovery time and sleep (and catching up with all hundreds of work emails and social media stuff) before finding the energy to finalize my blog. But here I am, and I will now tell you and show some nice photos from the last week of the expedition. In the last posting (“ Second icecamp - up to 30 polar bears until now!” ; Posted 12 June), the focus was not only on the research by mainly on the polar bear visits that made our work on the ice quite challenging. I will now return a few days back, starting from Friday 9 th of June, and include a bit more of the weather and other activities that happened that weekend. Additionally, I will tell you about the journey as we left the sea ice early Monday (12 June) morning, arrived in Longyearbyen, Svalbard on Tuesda...